Tuesday, 31 March 2009
Title: {All is Crap}
Okay, after reading someone else's blog...
Well, I too realised that we are heading back to that place for our rehearsal. Yeah, I'm slow. Thanks.

VICTORIA CONCERT HALL (Location for the WYCF Gala Concert)

Still remember the days when we ate our food with the majestic statue...
Still remember the days when we played Daidee for about an hour before the opening of the hall...
Still remember I'm late everyday for that thing...
Still remember we sang the 10 songs during that so-called 'final' day...

Ahhh... The memories are still stuck in my head... *dreamily*(well, kind of...)

Oh please, can anyone stop mentioning that 'bug encounters'? That was a coincidence okay? COINCIDENCE.
P.S: I didn't ate any bug there.
P.P.S: Seriously.

Replies for Tags
Nicole: They don't. Have I ever told you that I live to see things suffer?
Nicole: Err... Then how detailed do I need to write about you? (Nicole is a very sweet girl in my class. She sits next beside....)
Wip: I didn't saw the question before I did it. It was mere coincidence. 
agNES: Yeah... Now stop talking about bugs!
Wei Shian: Remember to give me the items you have gained!
Tj: Thanks for your 'morale boosting' words.
Nicole: Am I? Am I? My English really suck to the core.

Sunday, 29 March 2009
Title: {Lame Game 2}
Gah, another one...

#1: Besides your lips, where is your favorite spot to get kissed?
I dunno why, but maybe the forehead?

#2: How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
Tired, and I slept again.

#3: Who was the last person who you took photo with?
It's been such a long time... But I think it was WYCF? [Pardon me for my poor memory :P]

#4: Will you consider yourself to be spoiled?

#5: Will you ever donate blood?
No, and never.

#6: Have you had a good friend of an opposite sex?
Can say, but sometimes not.

#7: Do you want someone dead?
If only I had the power to do so.

#8: What does your last text msg say?
From Ze Huan about that stupid Earth Hour thing. 8.30 - 9.30 without lights? Impossible.

#9: What are you thinking of right now?
How am I going to finish the SEQ question with such little time left.

#10: Do you wish someone is with you right now?

#11: When did you go to sleep last night?
10. Around there.

#12: Where did you buy your T-shirt that you are wearing now?
Some cheap shops la. (Actually I'd forgotten.)

#13: Is someone in your mind right now?
Eh? No. No. No. ¬_¬

#14: Who is the last person who texted you?
Refer to question 5.

#15: People tagged to do this quiz?
Nobody, but I'll just try to think of some names to continue the quiz.

1)Tian Jie
2)Wei Shian
3)Sabrina (Lee)
7)Ze Huan
9)Lyris (OMG... really random...)
10)Christina (Gah... hyper-random names la.)

#16: Who is 2 having a relationship with?
Well, dunno. But I have some assumptions.

#17: Is 3 female or male?

#18: If 7 and 10 gets together will it be a good thing?
No and they will NEVER will.

#19: What is 1 studying about?
Come to think of it... In general: Sec 2 syllabus.

#20: Is 4 single?
Woah... (Why did I put the wrong name at the wrong places anyway?)

#21: Say something about 5.
Err. A girl from my class? :P

#22: What do you think about 3 and 6 together?
Nah. One word: Impossible. 

#23: Describe no. 9.
Let's see... A girl who is studying next door to my class. Don't know anything much though...

#24: What will you do if 6 and 7 fight?
(Purposely) Hahas. I'll watch them fight before I come in to settle the prob! =D

#25: Do you like no. 8?
O_o C'mon, do I have to say the obvious?

Title: {Lame game}
Gosh, suddenly there are a lot of blog quizzes that interest me a lot. Feel like doing it. Tempted.

[ ] You have yelled at an inanimate object for 'hurting' you.

[X]You have ran into a glass/screen door.  [There was this once, and once only]
[ ] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle. 
[X] You have thought of something funny and laughed, then people gave you weird looks. [Sometimes luh]
[ ] You have ran into a tree/bush
[ ] You have been called a "blonde" ['Blonde' is for a girl, right?]
[X] You know that it IS possible to lick your elbow. [Almost... if only I had a longer neck]
[X] You just tried to lick your elbow. [Refer to the prvios question]
[X] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star have the same rhythm. [There must be some difference...]
[X] You sang them to make sure. [Thanks to that, I am 3% more retarded]
[X] You have tripped on your own feet and fallen. [Did that frerquently when I'm young. Now, well, rarely.]
[X] You have choked on your own saliver. [Saliva, S-A-L-I-V-A la!]
So far: 8

[ ] You have seen the Matrix/Star Wars and still don't get it. 
[ ]You type with three fingers or less.
[ ] You have accidentally caught something on fire.
[X] You have caught yourself drooling [...]
so far:

[X] You have fallen asleep in class. [Started only in Sec 3.]
[X] Sometimes you just stop thinking. 
[X] Sometimes when you are telling a story you forget what you were talking about.
[X] People often shake their heads and walk away from you.
[ ] You are often told to use your "inside voice". [Wth is 'inside voice'?
so far:

[ ] You use your fingers to do simple math.
[ ] You have eaten a bug accidentally.
[X]You are taking this test when you should be doing something more important. [homework...]
[X] You have put your clothes on backwards or inside out, and didn't realize it.
[X] You've looked all over for something and realized it was in your hand/pocket the whole time.
so far:

[ ] You repost bulletins because you are scared that what they say will happen to you if you don't.
[ ] You break a lot of things.
[X] You tilt your head when you're confused.
[ ] You have fallen out of your chair before.
[ ] When you're lying in bed, you try to find pictures in the texture on the ceiling.
[X] The word "um" is used many times a day.
[X] You don't know what "um" means. [It's just a slang, is it? Is it?]
[X] You say "what" and "huh" a lot.
[X] You used a calculator to multiply your score for this bulletin. [Previously it was 19%, and I dun feel like doing 19x3 So I used the calculator. And now it's 20 points, and I do not need the calculator. Got it? Nvm.]

20 x 3= 60%


I'm 60% retarded! Cool.

Tag people that you how want to know how retarded they are.
Everyone who wants to know how 'smart' I am.

Saturday, 21 March 2009
Title: {Conflict resolved}
Fine, I talked too much things which are pessimistic to me. Here comes the more optimistic version of that post. Don't expect anything much. Coz':
"Good things come in small packages, Bad things don't"
I'm so happy that the SL-FSL problems have been solved. Don't take it too hard, SL! =) (without my help somehow)
Remember do not slack during the sectionals! Hahas! Concentrate on getting a gold for SYF! And that includes everyone! Good luck!
Okay, so maybe I'm better at giving some pessimistic remarks...
(Note: I don't mean to break your heart or dampen things up or do anything that can ruin your mood.)
Don't blame me for writing this but... In my opinion, at this rate, with this attitude, it is not possible for AI Choir to get a gold. maybe not even Silver. Maybe you'll get Bronze or something if you keep on giving this attitude, at this slow rate of improvement. Remember the time which Ms Ong mentioning something like "I've never seen anyone getting a gold for a SAB Choir before. Even the best choir like fill in whatever school she said that time got a silver in the last SYF." So dun even think of getting a goldSo getting a gold might sound kinda far-fetched.  What's more important now is to correct your attitude. Only then will your true potential reach its peak (I heard of it before, but from where? Or maybe its just deja vu?) Please, you all must give that Gold choir attitude!!! Don't just say that "I want a gold for SYF!!!" You must show the judges and touch their heart... (and maybe they will give you some sympathetic points... Lol.) I know that it is easy to say what you are doing, but just give them that attitude and you'll be receiving that yellow certificate, I mean, Gold (If that is even possible...), or maybe Silver (Low chance), and better not be Bronze (higher chance. for now) or even COP!!!
Good Luck for the SYF! Don't let any obstacle stand in your way!

Title: {The Blabber}
Hi... Due to requests, I decided to update my blog. (a little)

[This pose talks more about the Baritone Section...]
[Good things come in small packages, bad things don't]
[ Yes It's a very long post, get ready to be flooded with words]

Okay, so here is a little random question huh?
      "Who do you think will be the new baritone SL after the Sec 4 seniors left?"              [5]
      (Other sections are welcome to give us some opinions.)

Yeap. The seniors are leaving (really soon) and we're only left with the Sec 1, 2 and 3s after that. So who'll take over the pose? There's only a few bunch of people in that section though... but even so, after the senior leaves, we must stay stronger than ever! (But not too strong as to like... overpowering other section?)

Anyway, back to the question... well let me rephrase it this way:
     "Who is the best person to nominate to lead the whole section?"              [6]

side tracking a bit...)
Today, I receive a phone call from you-know-who. That person made me felt more useless than usual, but made me stronger at the same time. That person wanted to ask me a question, but in the end, that person's question was not answered, and what's more, that person gave me a lecture, a lecture which has boost my morale... ( a little bit, but hey, at least it's better than nothing...) 

Sigh... Why am I so useless?

I have more of an introvert personality, I am less open-minded, I am extremely pessimistic, I am bigoted, I am blind* and I can't perceive thing that other normal human would. I am BLUR**. I have an extremely forgetful mind, and I keep on forgetting to do things/note down stuff... etc. I suck. I am the exact opposite of TJ, and maybe, WS. They have such wonderful vocabulary and grammar. They are able to counsel other people, giving them advices. I can't. They are able to talk perfectly one-on-one without any stammer and breaks. They are able to communicate well. They are able to do the RIGHT things to acheive their goals. I can't. While others were talking to each other, chuckling about funny stuff, I was there, marvelling about Maths formula and Scientific facts, in my very own "Land of the Knowledge".
That brings me to another point. Yes, Xavier (couldn't help it but to write your name down) I do look like a block of wood when the committees are 'called' to go down. While others were saying things about what they think about other section and the day's performance, I was there, looking at them, amazed at how they are able to say that much things about Choir(when I myself can't). If I remember correctly, I remember that there was once, when I was late for practice... Then suddenly ZH wanted me to say a thing about choir. Shoot. I blabbered and stammered my way through. That thing which I said was useless anyway. And yes ZH, you're right. I do not how to speak fluent English, in fact I do not know how to even say a short speech properly, not to mention to a bunch of people.
I study triple Science, and so I usually have more pressure than anyone else. But why are people from my class that are in Choir able to take the stress? (Or looks like they are able to) Why are they able to do the right things? I still remember about the 'stringendo' part in that Natsu song, I thought that part has a constant tempo, I told another person from another section, that. But in the end, after I realised that I was wrong, I felt so darn gulity even though they knew that I was wrong anyway. And thus, I am afraid, afraid that I was teaching the section the wrong things, I don't want the section to suffer because of me, as they will call me a lousy ASL. (like the lousy pianist, if you know who I'm referring to.) I kept my mouth shut, unless there was an obvious mistake in the section. 
My The Baritone section consist of a lot of people with different personalities, some of them which people hate, some of them which people would prefer. Then there was this person (FSL), which we came in together. He changed so much as time flies by... now he seems to lead the whole section as the current SL (ZH) has his remaining days with us. (Please read the paragraph starting with 'Yeap'.) Why is he so brave, to step up and lead and guide, even though he is at the lowest rank in the 'Choir hierarchy system'? What must I do to surpass this guy, this obstacle?
I know, the chances are slim, that I can win that guy. It is like a mere level 5 fighter fighting against a level 20 boss. I am that level 5 noob.  I know I suck. Thanks a lot. That guy is showing more 'aggressive' moves every time there are combines. If only that guy can change change his attitude or something. Same to me, somehow...

Back to THAT question... Will me myself get promoted to SL This year? Nah. I always look on the lower side of life. Don't blame me, but that's my attitude. (Just press Ctrl+F and find the word pessimistic) I always thought that some people, like WS or TJ, those who are able to lead a whole group and are able to take massive stress, to become the SL, skipping the ASL phase. They can be considered as my idol, somehow...
This post might be too long eh? I'll just end of here then.

* blind: both "unwilling or unable to perceive or understand", "not having or based on reason or intelligence", "of concealed or undisclosed identity; sponsored anonymously" and "hard to see or understand"
** BLUR: I have a very poor memory and yes, that means I am forgetful. I am also slow in reaction and yeap, keep the bad adjective rolling in...

"Our greatest freedom is the freedom to choose our attitude."-- From that person whose name that I have forgotten.
"Good things come in small packages, bad things don't." -- My quote =) 

Friday, 6 March 2009
Title: {March. On.}
(Random posts ahead!)

Okay, it's March 09 already...

Really missed those WYCF things all of a sudden. It's like, been like 4 months since  that thing happened...
Wow... Can't believe it's been 4 months already...
On the other hand, next week is the last week of school.
Can slack for one week only.

OLE 1 & 2 on next week till Wed. Really will miss those guys... Haha.. Imagine what would happen to Choir if they aren't there, for two practices. Choir will like, so not Choir... Baritones will drop from like 15 people to like... ... ... *calculating* 6 people? O_o, I bet the other sections will suffer too...

Next, well... on Friday there'll be PTM. My parents will be going though... Imagine... Ms Chong and my mum... like... ... never mind...

Yes. I am confident that I will get 3 A1s, but more than 3? Unlikely. Well, it's possible, but unlikely. I will never be anybody if that person is around. That person made me felt weak, but stronger at the same time. Be Optimistic!

Suddenly, this quote came into my mind,
"Jack of all trade, but master of none"
Yeah, that guy is me... I did not even have a single letter that told me that I will be receiving a prize on that darn Achievement Day.
Yeah, I suck. (And I'm proud of it)

Just thinking whether I will be getting my presents next week... Sigh...
That's all... and I'm not emo-ing.

Tag replies =)
Nicole: Yup. That's my... well, one of the point.
Nicole: I just predicted that. ¬.¬ And yup, there are pros and cons in going to a HMT class...
bernice: Long time no see, anyways! So Flag day is on every Sat? Wth. Then i dun want to go out on Sat already lor. *sniggering*

The Character
You want to know who am I? It's for you to find out. *grins*

The Small Note
This is just a prototype of the author's life... Bzzt.
It is Random. Bzzt.
It is just like that. ZAAP!
You can expect at least 1 post per fortnight. Biribiri!
Enjoy! BOOM.


The Pasts & Presents
August 2008
September 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
January 2009
February 2009
March 2009
April 2009
May 2009
June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
June 2014

The Exit
AISS Choir blog!
AISS ChoirAlumni blog!
2E2 '08 class blog!!!

Wait, there's more.

Jia Lin
Tian Jie
Wei Shian
Yu Wen

The Dreams & Wishes
The Silence
This too up quite a bit of my space, so...

The Creator
layout: conn*e