Tuesday, 29 September 2009
Title: {Chaotic.}
Today was terrible all right, for me.
Don't ask why.
Saturday, 26 September 2009
Title: {Pain.}
Tianjie: No la, different people have different opinions on their results.
agNES: That because you somehow managed to type out certain letters in a specific order.
agNES: Who told you to cry so much... It's bad for the glands... (I think.)
agNES: Eww... So he's wearing a magenta jumpsuit that seemed to cover the whole body. And Piglet is cute way not cute.
agNES: Nope, it's a different thing. Don't think too much.
weishian: So, what's the count?
weishian: and no. If I'm dreaming, I wouldn't be able to type all this out.
agNES: and you'll cry the 9th time later.
agNES: aww...
agNES: told you.
w: Nah, I'm just posting something random, that's all.
ah JIA!: Okay, okay...
Title: {Ouch.}
Tooth infection. What could be worse than that?
The pain.
Yes, all you sadist out there, this is great, isn't it? I know...
The worse part of it is that I have to bear this for another day or so to make an appointment. And by right, it'll take a few days to wait till the day of appointment. Sigh...
In the meanwhile... Sigh... Total torture.
Let's hope the "sugar-free","preservative-free" Oolong tea can relieve the pain...
(By the way, I know it won't work...)
Monday, 21 September 2009
Title: {An empty space, without a glimpse of light...}
After falling into a portal, I found myself in this dark room. So dark, that I could not see anything. I did not bring any torchlight along with me. Who would have thought that something like this could happen. I tried to find the exit of this place, but to no avail... Somehow, I just had the feeling that someone, was in this room, together with me.
I shouted, "Hello??? Is anybody there???"
And there was this faint voice, who came from the edge of the barren corridor who spoke the same thing, "Hello??? Is anybody there???"
I was surprised. I did not know that there was another person in this... cold and dark space. I replied, "Yeah, I'm here too!!!".
The voice answered my previous question.
And that was how I kept myself amused for the next twenty-four hours, before somebody managed to rescue me from this 'torture'...
And that's when I realised that I had been talking to myself all along.
Friday, 18 September 2009
Title: {'No title'}
Yay! Blogger's back to 'Normal'!!! (From my computer)
For those of you who still experience problems, well...
Too bad.
Ok, moving on... (Boy, why do I like to use this to divert my attention?)
Yeah, today's a Friday, and yes, only approximately 2 weeks left to the End of Years, so yeah, good luck to you guys as well!
Anyway, since Blogger is back to 'normal', I might as well upload some pictures up from my phone. Haha.

Okay, this was taken from Sakae Sushi in Sembawang. Yeah, count all the plates you want.
And by the way, you can see that there's a head on the shelf. Spooked, huh?

Okay, and where did the water appear from? This is taken from Marina Barrage.

And this, erm... Well I just show it to you guys for fun. Haha =P.
Okay, so that's it. Haha.
Sunday, 13 September 2009
Title: {Total TagReply?}
Here's another post to liven up this blog, eh?
The last post was like... at the start of the holiday, but now it's alread at it's end, and it's only 3 hours 16 minutes left from the time I started this post. Great. 3 more hours? What can I do in this short span of time?
Moving on, today's topic would be mainly focused on the tagboard, or maybe the STUPID ninja, or maybe, even the whole blog itself?! Well, let's reply those tags first, shall we?
TagReplies >_< (From 31st Aug till now...)
ELOCIN: EYE = End of Year Exam? Okay... I think that would make it E
oYE. Lol. Anyway, if you 'twist' your names even more, I might mistook you for a spammer, and that incident will happen again... (If you know what I'm referring, but I don't think you'll will anyway.) So, yeah, as you said, it's obviously obvious (cool), but yeah, originality is way better (What am I talking...?)
weishian: Detention huh? Cool. Apparently, I was like P3, P4 when I first got detention, for not doing homework, AS WELL AS forgetting to bring them as well...
ELOCIN: Eat the ____... Hmm, fill in the blanks, huh? Let's see, Eat the Noodle! Haha! Anyway, from the old seating arrangement, I mean,
that seating arrangement, you're Rn. Haha, radioactive, lol.
BingCheng: What's the use of replying to myself?
agNES: Piglet? Eww... I don't have a pig-like nose like him, and certainly I'm not PINK. By the way, what is the pink ring around that pig? Is it its shirt? (or is it a she, or a he?)
SABRINa: Oh! Thanks! And thanks again for the answer to the question! And thanks again for tagging!
weishian: You're not the only one who had the '-.-' face.
Nicole: Oh hi! So how's your result? Cool... *Drums Rolls*(FYI: It's not know my result slip... It's know my result! Hmm, how do you know a result slip anyway? =P) By the way, do you know who is Elocin?
agNES: It's okay, it's okay. There's nothing to worry about. Relax. The stars are there to cover up those words that seemed nonsensical. Ok, what are you supposed to type amyway?
You need some tissues to wipe of those 'tears'?weishian: Check the IP address? For? And yeah, don't get intimidated by her. She's fine.
agNES: I think it became stars when you type out a certain letter in a specific order. (obvious) And yeah. I shut that STUPID ninja up. And yeah, I linked her.
Where's TJ when you need him???weishian: For every action, there must be a reason. And for every reason, there must be a cause. And for every cause, it will lead to an action. For every action... *goes on and on*
agNES: >;D HA HA HA wait 'jus' you time other some you get will I (smiley face). Hmm, what's that suppose to mean? There must be a secret within these words... *decoding*
weishian: Ok, after you tell me what the censored words from the previous tags by agNES are.
So yeah, that's basically it. By the way, I added a few songs in the playlist, so enjoy!
Another thing. I was troubled by this question now and then...
Mum's Present
Is it referring to...
1) The present which mum gave me (I received a present from my mum)
2) The present which I gave to my mum (The present belongs to my mum)
3) Both!
I need a definite answer to err... Never mind.
Friday, 4 September 2009
Title: {Do. Embrace. Achieve.}
Okay, today is our school's Parent-Teacher meeting, come on. You guys should know. I mean, those that were studying in my school. Yeah, Parent comes along, Parent meet teacher, and they start a conversation. And there they go.
So, yeah, my mum wants to tag along since she never meet the teacher for the last time... By right, it was since Sec 1... Cool.
Yeah, I know, I know... You guys wanted to know my grades right? You guys wanted to see whether I can get straight As right? You guys want to check out whether if I'm the top of the class, right?
Sad to say, it's a
NO.(I mean err... for the last question, the very last one... the top of the class thing? Surely, you don't think I'm that selfish, right?)
Ha, 1 C5, I'm so sad... it's the one and only C5 for the term... Dang, I shouldn't get a C for this one... And what subject, I heard you asked...
WHAT? CHINESE? No way! I've been getting straight As and sometimes Bs along the way... But this time... Outrageous. Stupid composition... I hate them alright, they always made me write 'out of topic'...
Okay, straight to the point... I'll never reveal my marks, okay... Unless you threaten me with something, or you secretly took a peek, no, took a pic-ture of it, then fine.
Here are the
grades Have fun laughing at them...
While you can.English: B4 (As usual)
MT: C5 (*speechless*)
A Maths: A1
E Maths: A1
Chemistry: A2 (Okay, thanks to the acid-base worksheet...)
Biology: A1 (Woot! An A1!!!)
Physics: A1 (Yeah, yeah...)
Combined Humanities: B4 (Typical)
Yeah, no B3. Awesome right? I still remember that once when I got all A1s and 2 C5s, Yeah, don't think too much, cause that's in Sec 1.
Okay, for people who think that I'm smart or brainy or even nerd... Here's one thing:
I'm not a perfect person.Anyway... If something is 'Out of the Ordinary', is it:
1)Something that is not ordinary (outside of ordinary)or...
2)Something that belongs to the ordinary. (Like 5
out of 8 and so, within the ordinary, is that something...)
I bet no one will reply anyway... It's too hard.
Thursday, 3 September 2009
Title: {100th Post! Woot!}
Ok, that's all.
Wednesday, 2 September 2009
Title: {Xe is for Xenon}
Okay, another post for this week, huh? Okay, so Ms Chong actually changed our seats huh? Sort of... I'm still seating where I was, cool, and purely coincidental.
Okay, so there were, well, 8 rows and 5 groups. And they happen to represent the periodic table. How so, I heard you ask? Err, here's a picture of the periodic table
*Apparently there's something wrong with Blogger tempporary. Please use your own periodic table from notebook, dictionaries, wikipedia, etc... Thank you.*And there you have it. 8 rows, 8 periods. Cool. So we're just like the elements from lithium (grp1) to Radon (grp0). Okay, just ignore the transitional metals and the lanthanides and actinides series. As for helium, hmm... the teacher's seat? Then, hydrogen... is the fan (which is on the table by the way, not the ceiling fans)??!!! Wow. Ms Chong is sure smart. Oh wait, was she planning the boring 2*2 seating arrangement.
Haha, so the people from the first row and the seventh row are pretty reactive huh? Reactive, get it??? Hahaha... ha... ha. Fine.And as from group 0, well, you should know. Inert Hahaha... Okay, kay.
So, let me give you a hint at where my seat is.... Err, okay, I'm 'Xenon' Okay, 'Xe' Element no. 54. If you look into the Wiki, you will find that it
is able to form some compounds. Shucks, so much for the inertness.
Moving on, I'm seating one side with my friends and the other side the windows. Okay, so yeah... cool.
I think I might get affected by those people huh. Let's hope I won't succumb to them. I mustn't. I'll never. I won't eat whatever they are saying. (If you know what I mean.) Yeah, so buck up!
I feel that I did badly for this term's CA. Darn, 4 A1s? 3 A1s? Crap, before that I was having 5 or rarely 6 A1s? What's happening to me?
And I'm usually the physics top in the class. DARN! Not this time already... Sob...Which is why I felt that I screw up this CA, big time... Speaking of screwing up, I copy and pasted this blog quiz from Wei Shian's blog. Click here to visit... Oh what am I saying. Enjoy the quiz, or else...
you get whacked by some unknown people outside school, joking!The quiz[X] Gotten detention.
[X] Gotten your phone taken away in class.
[ ] Gotten suspended.
[ ] Gotten caught chewing gum.
[ ] Gotten caught cheating on a test.
Total: 2
[X] Arrived late to class more than 5 times (if you consider my primary school life...)
[X] Didn’t do homework over 5 times
[ ] Turned at least 3 projects in late
[ ] Missed school cause you felt like it
[ ] Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class.
Total : 4
[X] Got your mom / dad etc. to get you out of school. (When I'm sick, during primary school?
[X] Texted people during class. (Yeah, I'm not an
angle angel, you know.
[X] Passed notes.
[X] Threw stuff across the room.
[X] Laughed at the teacher. (When they're telling jokes?)
Total : 9
[ ] Pulled down the fire alarm.
[X] Went on myspace , facebook , xanga , etc. on the computer at school. (It was fun... During IT!)
[X] Took pictures during school hours.
[ ] Called someone during school hours.
[X] Listened to an iPod , CD , etc. during class. (My phone does almost all of that.)
Total : 12
[ ] Threw something at the teacher.
[ ] Went outside the classroom without permission.
[ ] Broke the dress code.
[ ] Failed a class.
[X] Ate food during class. (Yum!)
Total : 13
[X] Gotten a call from school.
[ ] Couldn’t go on a field trip cause you behaved badly.
[X] Didn’t take your stuff to school.
[ ] Gotten a detention and didn't go.
[ ] Stuck up your middle finger at a teacher when they were not looking.
[ ] Cursed during class loud enough so the teacher could hear
Total : 15
[ ] Faked your parents signature
[X] Slept in class.
[ ] Cursed at a teacher to their face.
[X] Copied homework (Who wouldn't?)
Total: 17
Multiply by 3 = 17 x 3
"I screwed up (51)% of my teenage life" =)
Actually it was 45% if you didn't count my P5 and P6 as teenage...What??? More than half of my teenage life??? Wth...
And what's with the 'gotten' thing? It's SO Singlish!!!
Anyway, ending today's post with one thing...
Buck up! You can do it!